About Focus PM 2021
Elia’s Focus on Project Management 2021 – #eliaPM is an online programme set to develop core skills of Project Managers. Developed in partnership with senior entrepreneurs in the localisation industry, this will provide a platform for growth for the next 10 years.
This year’s theme is Evolution and Revolution of Project Management – the role of the project manager has changed over the last ten years and will continue to change in the next decade. It is vital in a world where technology is on the rise to ensure the value you add to your organisation is not easily replicated, or entirely superseded by technology. The four-day event will help you to develop practical and human skills to ensure you remain relevant and an unstoppable force for your organisation.
The 6th Focus on PM will be divided into three interrelated tracks featuring presentations, workshops and discussions hosted by professors, technology experts, language industry leaders and end clients. The event will kick-off with a Pre-conference Focus on Technology day, on November 30, 2021.
Track 1: New solutions for new needs: how to upgrade your skills to meet client expectations, moderated by Ricard Sierra
Track 2: How to remain relevant as a project manager in an increasingly automated world, moderated by Alina Birsan
Track 3: Build your strategy to be a successful Project Manager fit for the future,
moderated by Richard Brooks
30 NovDay 1
1 DecDay 2
2 DecDay 3
3 DecDay 4
Pre-conference Focus on Technology day
Technology demo
Mini break
Technology demo
Advanced trainings
Let's make it count!
Networking hour
Track 1: New solutions for new needs: how to upgrade your skills to meet client expectations
Event opening and welcome
Mini break
Opening keynote - AI and the Future of Business
Working in academia, the public and private sectors, Daniel is Show more...a leading expert in artificial intelligence as well as its applications and the social, commercial, economic and ethical implications. In a world where many believe access to more and more data will lead to ever better decision-making, he looks at what AI really is, as well as identifying the future challenges and opportunities for AI. He also asks how organisations need to change their structure and how these ideas could scale to a planet. Daniel will argue why we need to embrace these emerging technologies and will discuss the philosophical and ethical issues surrounding them.

Mini break
Join the Revolution! How to become a next generation PM
Clients’ needs have evolved and require more sophisticated Show more...services that steer away from the standard translation & proofreading. New needs call for new services, new roles and new skills. Discover how you can take the Project Manager role to the next level and make a difference to your clients.

Mini break
Ideas and tactics to establish a healthy client-PM partnership
As Project Manager at a language services provider (LSP) you Show more...have probably felt that you can bring more to the relationship with your client, but what do clients look for when they buy language services? In this session we will look at what is important to a client when establishing a true partnership with a provider.

Mini break
How to win a client through test translation
Workshop: Offering a free trial or a pilot project to your potential Show more...customers in the selling process is one of the most effective ways to convey the value of your service and get them to imagine themselves benefiting from it.
Providing a free translation lets your prospects experience first-hand the quality you will provide and the way how they personally will interact with your company.
In this workshop, we will present the steps and share best practices related to running pilot projects and free trials with the understanding that at this early stage we need to learn quickly as we know very little about our prospect.

Wine O'clock
Networking hour
Track 2: How to remain relevant as a project manager in an increasingly automated world
Through the lenses of a former PM turned into end client
There are several common issues that can make the relationship Show more...between the client and project manager more difficult. They start with the assumption that the client is a homogenous organisation, while in fact people you work with might not be aligned in a single voice and needs.
The values and goals of the two organisations might be incompatible, not clear or misaligned which may generate a lack of trust or misunderstanding, driving people to achieve even conflicting objectives. The contract might be poorly managed, allowing overspends, delays and unwanted surprises.
How do you ensure a successful project and enable everyone to work as an integrated part of the team?
How to help project managers to have a more strategic outlook as well as gravitas and credibility within the client organisation?
In this session we will focus on how to create a productive environment, set the tone for the project in which everyone is committed to succeed, while acknowledging and dealing with issues. Specifically, we will work on a few examples of how to map out the organisational structure, identify buyer and user personas and needs, and ensure an aligned communication.

Mini break
The key to sustainable business growth: from language and technology suppliers to knowledge providers
Localisation managers aspire to be a critical part of the international Show more...growth for their organisations and to be seen as a global enabler. However, they don’t always have enough knowledge or experience to drive the big impact they aspire to or to provide a solution to new challenges. This is where language and technology providers have an opportunity to contribute to this process by providing a more holistic approach to localisation and by offering comprehensive solutions such as localisation consulting, process optimisation, knowledge and insights and not just services. In this session, Hristina will share how everyone working in a language provider can contribute to that, regardless of their role or level of seniority and what the impact of doing that could be for the long-term relationship with their clients and the long term success of the organisation as a whole.

Mini break
Be the change: how to create more value for your clients as a PM
Workshop: Hristina will facilitate a hands-on workshop following Show more...her presentation and will give an opportunity to all participants to reflect on their own role and organisation and how to better support their clients and improve their company’s offerings and services. Through group brainstorming and discussions, participants will leave the workshop with practical ideas they can apply in their role and will feel inspired to identify similar opportunities in the future.

Mini break
Track 3: Build your Strategy to be a successful Project Manager fit for the future
Translating sustainability and supply chain into Project Management
At IKEA we define sustainability as caring for people and the planet. Show more...
This is reflected in everything we do. We adapt and change our ways of working based on the reality we are living in. How we work with project management is one example of it.
One of our core values is renew and improve: whatever we are doing today, we can do better tomorrow. Efficiency helps us be there for the people at the right time and place.
In the field of language and translation we are working on simplifying multilanguage communication. Automation is key for sustainable process and it’s an enabler.
While we leave automation in the hands of the digital tools, the human involvement becomes even more crucial in adding value to the process and end result.
Let's explore together how the role of PM is changing in times of agility, automation and speed?

Mini break
The PM perspective on automation
Workshop: In this workshop we would like to focus in more detail Show more...on two aspects:
-Key elements of a sustainable project
-Automation - a PM perspective
The idea is to have a discussion with the audience about the challenges they come across on a daily basis while managing projects. We will look at how do they see the future perspective, what kind of changes would be adopted and how these changes benefit PMs to work in a sustainable way that future proofs them.

Mini break
Preview of Elia / ATC PM eLearning Course
Elia and the ATC are launching an innovative new eLearning course Show more...& certification on language services project management. Join us to find out more!
50+ hours of learning
22 industry expert trainers
100% pro content
Mini break
Closing keynote - Creating a net positive solution for humanity
Fishing nets have been identified as the most harmful form of marine plastic pollution. Show more... Bureo is an internationally recognized Certified B Corporation that has spent the past eight years working together with fishing communities in South America to transform this once harmful material into a net positive solution. Partnering with industry leading brands such as Patagonia, Trek Bicycles, Costa Sunglasses, Jenga and others, Bureo has been able to utilize their NetPlus® material across a diverse range of products and applications with shared profits returning back to expand positive solutions to more fishing communities. This presentation offers insight from one of the co-founders of Bureo on how humanity has played the central role in taking on this global challenge.

Mini break
Event closing & prize draw
Open networking
To view the event’s presentations, please click here.
Who should attend?
This event is for ambitious project and production managers who are serious about delivering the very best for their company and clients. This year’s online edition is a chance to review every aspect of your role, connect with like-minded peers and understand how future trends will affect best practices.
Benefits of the programme
For you
- Discover the secrets of leading PMs from our industry and beyond
- Approach the future confidently with an understanding of the latest trends
- Identify and overcome the obstacles holding you back
- Share points of view and be inspired by peers in the same environment
For your company
- Boost your bottom line with efficient new approaches
- Build a productive, happy team with a shared idea of success
- Contribute the latest insights to the company’s 2021 roadmap
- Deepen client loyalty by delivering added value
€119Opening offer
- Valid until 24 September 2021
- Applicable to Elia & ALC members
€169Opening offer
- Valid until 24 September 2021
- A 10% discount to members of Elia Association Partners: AALC, AASL, AATC, Aneti, ATC, Bliss, Federlingue and TinA
€179Early Bird
- Valid until 15 November 2021
- Applicable to Elia & ALC members
€229Early Bird
- Valid until 15 November 2021
- A 10% discount to members of Elia Association Partners: AALC, AASL, AATC, Aneti, ATC, Bliss, Federlingue and TinA
- Valid from 16 November 2021
- Applicable to Elia & ALC members
- Valid from 16 November 2021
- A 10% discount to members of Elia Association Partners: AALC, AASL, AATC, Aneti, ATC, Bliss, Federlingue and TinA
Registration provides access to the presentations, workshops, the networking event apps and the Focus on Technology tool demos and advanced trainings.
For group registrations, please contact us by email.
For group registrations, please contact us here.
Cancellation Policy
Requests for cancellation or to arrange substitutions must be received in writing. Please contact us by email. Event registrations are non-refundable. Registrations can be transferred to another person provided Elia is notified at least one day prior to the event, no admin fee will apply. Any attendee who registers will receive access to the materials and recordings of the event.
For more information about Elia’s Terms & Conditions please click here.

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