Nov 2022
Focus on Project Management
1-2 December 2022 / Manchester, UK

About Focus PM 2022

Elia’s Focus on Project Management is calling all industry project and production managers in Manchester for a two-day event to learn and develop practical skills, try out new approaches, cultivate their mindset and help them become a truly unstoppable force for their companies.


Jump aboard the PM Express, communicate better, express yourself and learn more with others.

Elia’s 7th Focus on Project Management event will be divided into 3 independent tracks featuring presentations, workshops and discussions hosted by language industry leaders. 

To kickstart your event experience, attendees are also welcome to join us at the pre-conference Focus on Technology day, on 30 November, 2022.

There is no charge to attend the Technology day. Spaces are limited and priority will be given to attendees of the event.

Track 1: Business savvy communication, moderated by Zoran Metikoš

Track 2: Vendor management done right, moderated by Arancha Caballero

Track 3: Increase your revenue, moderated by Thomas Edwards

  • 30 Nov
    Day 1
  • 1 Dec
    Day 2
  • 2 Dec
    Day 3
  • Pre-conference Focus on Technology
15:00 – 15:30  
Welcome coffee

15:30 – 17:30  
LBS Suite workshop

During the training we will show you in detail how to go through Show more...the full workflow with help of LBS Suite, and how to make it as smooth and easy as possible: from quote preparation, creation of the CAT project directly in LBS, management of automatically generated folders, easy supplier assignments, reception of completed jobs and, up to client delivery. You will also discover how to track the quality of your vendors in a precise and efficient way.

Don’t forget to bring your PC: you will gain access to LBS Suite and you will be able to experience the tool yourself by doing few typical project manager’s tasks with our guidance.

Anna Kozubek photo
Anna Kozubek
Senior Business Manager at LBS Suite
18:00 – 19:30  
Welcome drinks

Atrium / Graduate bar located on the ground floor of the hotel Show more...(not a pre-paid service, pay at the bar only).

  • Conference day
09:00 – 09:30  
Open registration & welcome coffee

09:30 – 10:00  
Event Opening / PM Training & Certification

10:00 – 10:30  
Learn. Unlearn. Relearn

Miruna Pavoni photo
Miruna Pavoni
Pavoni Studio
10:30 – 11:00  
Coffee break

11:00 – 12:30  
Upgrade your ‘Business Savvy’ skills through efficient human connection - part I

Presentation with workshop
Kickstarting the day with the most Show more...important skill in business, clear and transparent communication, learning about exceptional communication and mistakes to be avoided; moving swiftly on to how to make communication in modern LSPs effective and the solutions to communicative issues. Part three includes information on how to give and receive valuable feedback and how to successfully turn the most difficult of co-workers into productive team members. Finishing the presentation with an interactive Q&A where everyone’s questions will be answered!
Each part of the day includes presentations and exercises to ensure everyone benefits from hands-on workshops that have been designed specifically for project and production managers in the translation and localisation industry.

 Zoran Metikoš photo
Zoran Metikoš
Business Growth Consultant & Educator, Profecta BDI
12:30 – 14:00  

14:00 – 15:30  
Community building or just vendor management / Sell without selling and break new boundaries

Presented by Arancha Caballero (Presentations in group A).
Is Show more...vendor management a transactional job? Is translation a commodity? Will automation replace humans?

If you answered NO to the above questions or are unsure about your answers, come and join us, share your experience and learn from your peers.

We will discuss the questions above and more;

• Is it worth investing in the relationship with our providers?
• What is the real impact of the work of our providers, in our clients?
• What can we learn from our providers?

As Project Managers we do not produce any deliverable but must rely on others. Let´s reflect, discuss and grow as professionals.
Presented by Thomas Edwards (Presentations in group B).
Let’s look at a description of sales and the sales process, to understand how sales people are hired, trained and the method they use for new business development.

Project Managers are often tasked with maintaining certain client accounts and that’s why this track will take a look at how we can accomplish this.

Then, we will discuss pre-sales solutions architecting, customer service, customer success, strategic account management, growing house accounts’ revenue and profit by expanding horizontally and vertically within accounts. Finally, attendees will learn the tools and methods to effortlessly sell without seeming to and yet gain fantastic results.

Arancha Caballero photo
Arancha Caballero
Managing Director, Nuadda
Thomas Edwards photo
Thomas Edwards
Silver Flamingo Global SFG, FluentSales LLC
15:30 – 16:00  
Coffee break

16:00 – 17:30  
Better your business through your community / I don't do sales workshop - How PMs can effortlessly increase revenues

Moderated by Arancha Caballero (Workshops in group A).
Is vendor Show more...management a transactional job? Is translation a commodity? Will automation replace humans?

If you answered NO to the above questions or are unsure about your answers, come and join us, share your experience and learn from your peers.

We will discuss the questions above and more;

• Is it worth investing in the relationship with our providers?
• What is the real impact of the work of our providers, in our clients?
• What can we learn from our providers?

As Project Managers we do not produce any deliverable but must rely on others. Let´s reflect, discuss and grow as professionals.
Moderated by Thomas Edwards (Workshops in group B).
How can we “ask for the business” without seeming to be aggressive salespeople, but instead be partners and consultants to our clients?

In this session, we will use a strategy to map out an account, create a growth strategy for strategic and house accounts. You will learn easy tricks to interact with clients, regardless of personality and leave the session with a clear objective of the next steps required to effortlessly increase revenue.

Arancha Caballero photo
Arancha Caballero
Managing Director, Nuadda
Thomas Edwards photo
Thomas Edwards
Silver Flamingo Global SFG, FluentSales LLC
19:30 – 00:00  
Networking dinner

Find out more here.

  • Conference day
09:00 – 09:30  
Morning coffee

09:30 – 11:00  
Sell without selling and break new boundaries / Community building or just vendor management

Presented by Thomas Edwards (Presentations in group A).
Let’s Show more...look at a description of sales and the sales process, to understand how sales people are hired, trained and the method they use for new business development.

Project Managers are often tasked with maintaining certain client accounts and that’s why this track will take a look at how we can accomplish this.

Then, we will discuss pre-sales solutions architecting, customer service, customer success, strategic account management, growing house accounts’ revenue and profit by expanding horizontally and vertically within accounts. Finally, attendees will learn the tools and methods to effortlessly sell without seeming to and yet gain fantastic results.
Presented by Arancha Caballero (Presentations in group B).
Is vendor management a transactional job? Is translation a commodity? Will automation replace humans?

If you answered NO to the above questions or are unsure about your answers, come and join us, share your experience and learn from your peers.

We will discuss the questions above and more;

• Is it worth investing in the relationship with our providers?
• What is the real impact of the work of our providers, in our clients?
• What can we learn from our providers?

As Project Managers we do not produce any deliverable but must rely on others. Let´s reflect, discuss and grow as professionals.

Thomas Edwards photo
Thomas Edwards
Silver Flamingo Global SFG, FluentSales LLC
Arancha Caballero photo
Arancha Caballero
Managing Director, Nuadda
11:00 – 11:30  
Coffee break

11:30 – 13:00  
I don't do sales workshop - How PMs can effortlessly increase revenues / Better your business through your community

Moderated by Thomas Edwards (Workshops in group A.
How can we Show more...“ask for the business” without seeming to be aggressive salespeople, but instead be partners and consultants to our clients?

In this session, we will use a strategy to map out an account, create a growth strategy for strategic and house accounts. You will learn easy tricks to interact with clients, regardless of personality and leave the session with a clear objective of the next steps required to effortlessly increase revenue.
Moderated by Arancha Caballero (Workshops in group B).
Is vendor management a transactional job? Is translation a commodity? Will automation replace humans?

If you answered NO to the above questions or are unsure about your answers, come and join us, share your experience and learn from your peers.

We will discuss the questions above and more;

• Is it worth investing in the relationship with our providers?
• What is the real impact of the work of our providers, in our clients?
• What can we learn from our providers?

As Project Managers we do not produce any deliverable but must rely on others. Let´s reflect, discuss and grow as professionals.

Thomas Edwards photo
Thomas Edwards
Silver Flamingo Global SFG, FluentSales LLC
Arancha Caballero photo
Arancha Caballero
Managing Director, Nuadda
13:00 – 14:30  

14:30 – 16:00  
Upgrade your ‘Business Savvy’ skills through efficient human connection - part II

Presentation with workshop
Day two ventures into accountability, Show more...responsibility and ownership for good relationships, teamwork is the way to success as Zoran Metikoš believes but it can also be difficult and communication is often the only way forward. Delve into the significance of personal values for motivation and compatibility with co-workers and roll onto project managers’ roles in creating a company culture that ensures long-term stability and how wrong LSPs can be by emphasising technology and workflows instead of communication and culture. All guests will have the opportunity to participate in an exit Q&A to round off all the insightful information Zoran Metikoš will provide at FocusPM 2022.
Each part of the day includes presentations and exercises to ensure everyone benefits from hands-on workshops that have been designed specifically for project and production managers in the translation and localisation industry.

 Zoran Metikoš photo
Zoran Metikoš
Business Growth Consultant & Educator, Profecta BDI
16:00 – 16:30  
Coffee break

16:30 – 16:55  
Talk ain't cheap!

Communication is at the heart of our industry and a vital skill Show more...in the project management toolbox. Although it's something we do everyday of our life it isn’t as straightforward as you might first think. Communication isn't linear. What is understood is often dependent on context. You are always sending and receiving messages whether you realise it or not. Even when you think you’re not communicating you are actually communicating, you cannot not communicate.

In this talk I’ll present and explore the Transactional Model of Communication. This is a good introduction to better understand how people actually communicate. This communication theory (developed by Watzlawick & Barnlund) explains how the face-to-face dynamics of human communication works. I’m sure it’ll help you in your growing project management career.

Richard Brooks - Keynote photo
Richard Brooks - Keynote
16:55 – 17:15  
Event recap & closing


Richard Brooks - Keynote
Richard Brooks - Keynote
Arancha Caballero
Managing Director, Nuadda
Arancha Caballero
Thomas Edwards
Silver Flamingo Global SFG, FluentSales LLC
Thomas Edwards
Zoran Metikoš
Business Growth Consultant & Educator, Profecta BDI
Zoran Metikoš
Miruna Pavoni - Keynote
Pavoni Studio
Miruna Pavoni - Keynote

Who should attend?

This event is for ambitious project and production managers who are serious about delivering the very best for their company and clients.

This year’s edition is a chance to review every aspect of your role, connect with like-minded peers and understand how future trends will affect best practice moving forward. No matter where you are in your career, you’ll leave us equipped to operate on a new level in 2023 and make your company proud.

Benefits of the programme

For you

  • Discover the secrets of leading PMs from our industry and beyond
  • Approach the future confidently with an understanding of the latest trends
  • Identify and overcome the obstacles that are holding you back
  • Share your perspective and be inspired by peers in the same environment
  • Discover how your communication skills can benefit both your professional and personal life

For your company

  • Boost your bottom line with efficient new approaches
  • Build a productive, happy team with a shared idea of success
  • Contribute the latest insights to the company’s 2022 roadmap
  • Deepen client loyalty by delivering added value
  • Develop a better community around your company


Registration provides access to the presentations, workshops, the networking event app and the Focus on Technology tool demos and advanced trainings.
For group registrations, please contact us by email.

Cancellation Policy

All requests for cancellation, refunds or to arrange registration substitutions must be received in writing. Please contact us by email. It is possible to cancel your registration and receive a refund, less a €75 processing fee, according to the following schedule: Up to six weeks before the event – 100% refund, between six and three weeks before the event – 50% refund, within three weeks of the event – regretfully, refunds are not available. Registrations can be transferred to another person and an administrative fee of €30 will be charged per registrant. At the sole discretion of Elia may decide to cancel the event. All registered participants are eligible for a full refund of any fees received. Elia cannot be held liable for any other costs incurred such as flight tickets, bank fees, production costs, accommodation etc.
For more information about Elia’s Terms & Conditions please click here.




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Social Events

Join us for an unmissable networking opportunity this December – blend with compatible peers, exchange wisdom and learn together at PM 2022.

  • Ricardo Martinez, Translayte

    A great event with great opportunities to learn and open our minds to innovation and development of our industry. I loved it.

  • Megan Trickett, Comtec Translations

    The Focus on PM event was great! It was brilliant to meet other Project Managers and hear their stories and experiences and to share knowledge within our exciting industry!


Interested in sponsoring Focus on Project Management 2022? Please click here


Looking to Become a Member of ELIA?
For additional information contact us by email