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Enabling urgent multilingual messaging to communities with AI-driven workflows

19 May 2021, 14:00-15:00 CET

Speaker: Thomas Lespes-Muñoz

Last year, Australia had its fair share of emergency situations with the bushfires, numerous flash floods and the COVID-19 pandemic. With 21% of the population speaking a language other than English, it has brought the light on the necessity to be able to communicate swiftly and effectively with communities from diverse backgrounds to ensure safety of all. 2M On Demand App combines AI-driven workflows with NAATI-certified linguists to enable urgent messaging to multilingual communities while keeping focus on quality and cultural appropriateness.

In this presentation, 2M’s CTO Thomas Lespes-Muñoz will take you through how the company identified the need for such technology, how 2M’s app addresses a  gap in current language services offering, why they decided to develop  their own technology and the opportunities this opens up for the future.

Thomas Lespes-Munoz


Thomas is 2M’s Chief Marketing & Technology Officer and is in charge of keeping 2M in sync with the latest technological advancements including AI, NMT and automated workflows. Thomas also oversees the company’s marketing and communication department as well as sales activities. Thomas holds a Master degree in Sales & Marketing from the University of Gustave Eiffel in Paris.

Apr 19, 2021 at 13:41 by admin Webinar
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