ELIA Exchange

The Exchange SpeakersSpeaker Registration
ELIA's collaboration with students and universities

Welcome to ELIA Exchange!

Are you a professional in the language or translation industry? Are you looking for a way to share your expertise with universities, students, and other professionals? Are you from a university that wants to better its education for the students that attend? The exchange is here to connect academia and industry.

This initiative has been designed to link universities and students with experienced speakers. This platform allows universities and organisations to access a database of expert speakers specialising in language and translation topics.

Benefits of Joining for Knowledgeable Professionals

We all started our professional careers at the bottom and the exchange provides a unique opportunity to share knowledge and expertise with the next generation. By giving back and helping students learn, you can make a significant and lasting impact on the lives and careers of those who will shape the future.

Not only will you be investing in the future of your profession, but you’ll also be developing valuable teaching and mentoring skills that will benefit your own career. By giving back to the language and translation industry, you are helping to ensure that it grows and prospers for years to come.

Benefits of Joining for Universities

The exchange will allow universities to stay up to date with the latest trends in industry education, research and development, and provide them with the opportunity to engage students with a wider network of experts and professionals. Additionally, universities on the basic package will gain access to direct consulting services from experts in the field, as well as access to a list of resources and publications.

This will help universities better understand the changing landscape of language and translation and, provide them with the opportunity to develop and implement new strategies to benefit current and future students.

Understanding the Mechanics of the Exchange

First, experts must register a speaker profile including topics they are experienced in and subjects they are happy to discuss with students. This profile will be uploaded to the ELIA Exchange database for universities across Europe to access. Once your profile has been approved, universities and organisations will be able to contact you to request your services via the exchange. It’s that simple!

We are dedicated to providing the highest quality of speakers and experts in the language and translation industry. Our mission is to provide an easy way to connect universities, students, and industry professionals with experienced speakers to benefit the minds of the future.

“You are not rich with the figures in your bank account but with the knowledge and skills you can share with others.”
Indrė Lelevičienė, CEO, Baltijos vertimai * BV Translations & ELIA Director

If you are interested in joining the Exchange, please register your speaker profile or complete the application for the universities today. 

We look forward to connecting you with the world of academia!

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