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Corporate Language Training: an opportunity for growth

24 November 2021, 16:00-17:00 CEST
Speaker: Martina Bertuzzi

How to build corporate language training courses for your clients and how to sell them successfully.

Martina Bertuzzi
Head of Sales & Marketing, Yellow Hub

Martina is the Head of Sales & Marketing at Yellow Hub, where she currently leads the language services and corporate language training sales teams. The company was founded by her family in 1982 and she contributed from the start to the growth and development of the corporate language training unit. After graduating with a bachelor degree in Contemporary History at the Università Statale di Milano, in 2005 she obtained a Master degree in Human resources & Industrial Relations at the University of Western Australia. In WA she started teaching Italian to Adult and Young Learners, developing a considerable first-hand experience in course design, lesson planning and project-based learning. Back from Australia, she started the Corporate Language Training Business Unit at Yellow Hub: first as a tutor, coordinating and supervising the team of trainers and ensuring full compliance with ISO 9001: 2015 certification. She studied in depth language teaching techniques and course design attending specialization courses and obtaining certifications (IBET; DPI). In 2010 she moved to sales, where she contributed to the growth of the training department, building stable and long-lasting relationships with multinational companies, banks and institutions. Starting January 2012, she took over the role of sales manager for the language Services Business. From 2019 she was entrusted with the development of the company sales department. From April 2021, with Yellow Hub S.r.l. acquiring TDR Translations, she is in charge of directing and oversee organization’s sales policies objectives and initiatives, set short- and long-term sales strategies, coordinate sales action plans for individual salespeople.

Nov 16, 2021 at 11:23 by admin Webinar
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