Deadline: May 31, 2022 by 11:59 PM CET
If you’re passionate about the language industry, now’s your chance to step up by standing for election to the Elia Board. Elia is looking for individuals interested in helping members accelerate our members‘ business success via current programs and the development of new ideas and initiatives.
There are three Director positions up for election this year. The terms of Alina Birsan, Richard Brooks, and Manuele Vecchi end October 2022. The terms of the new Directors to be elected in June/July will last from the beginning of October 2022 and last until October 2024.
The Elia Board of Directors is made up of volunteers who share their time, experience and insights to help develop Elia’s events and role in the language industry. As the association must adapt to the changes in the industry and in how business gets done, now is an exciting time to join Elia and help contribute to our strategy, finance, policy, events and more.
Anyone working for an Elia Member company is eligible to stand for election.
Further details about the role of the Elia Board and responsibilities of Directors can be found in the Elia Board of Directors Code of Conduct.
Benefits of being and Elia Director
- Help the association serve its members (you) better
- Develop a strong relationship with 6 other industry leaders and an experienced support team
- Learn new skill-sets as part of your continued professional development
- The opportunity to give back and share your expertise
- Increase your company’s visibility
- Being an Elia Board member means playing a key role in our busy calendar of events
How to submit your candidacy
Candidates must be employees of Elia member companies. To submit your candidacy for election to the Board, please fill out the Directors Candidacy form and include a photo of yourself.
After you’ve submitted your candidacy
Upon submission of your candidacy, all prospective Directors will be contacted to set up a meeting with one of the current Elia Directors and John Terninko, Elia Managing Director.
As the association has over 200 members, it is probable that many members don’t know you and what you stand for. To help, Elia will provide a webpage devoted to the candidates. There you will be able to lay out who you are and why you wish to be an Elia Director. This can be done in text and video (strongly recommended).
Important dates for the 2022 Election
31 May | Last date to submit candidacy |
1 June | Announcement of the Slate of Candidates |
30 June | Voting begins |
7 July | Voting ends |
8 July | Notification of the results |
If you have any questions about the election, submitting your candidacy, or would like to talk with a Director prior to submitting your name, please contact John Terninko, Elia Managing Director.
Best wishes and good luck!
The Elia Board of Directors