Geert Vanderhaeghe has resigned from the Elia Board of Directors as other projects have become too demanding on his time and he feels that he will not be able to volunteer the time needed to fulfill his Elia commitments. Geert was with the Board for four years and served as the Vice President for three. All the remaining Directors and Elia Team wish to express our great appreciation for all that Geert has done for the association. He is and will be missed.
However, with the bad often comes some good. As laid out in the Elia Articles of Association, the remaining Board has the authority to appoint an interim Director to fill the vacancy and Elia is VERY pleased to announce that long-time member Dorothy Scerri of Global Translation Solutions has accepted. Dorothy will serve out the remainder of Geert’s term on the Board which will end October 2023. Please be sure to welcome Dorothy!