“Diverse companies are better able to attract top talent, to improve their customer orientation, employee satisfaction and decision making.” McKinsey Diversity and inclusion are often talked about...
6 October 2021, 16:00-17:00 CEST Speaker: Krzysztof Zdanowski DescriptionArtificial Intelligence is everywhere, with companies and consumers adopting and using AI daily. But in order to be effective...
22 September 2021, 16:00-17:00 CEST Speaker: Clio Schils DescriptionThe life sciences translation market is a growing “niche” area. Despite a very volatile ever-changing regulatory climate...
Calling all project, production and vendor managers! Do you want to better equip yourself professionally and contribute to the growth of the language industry? Then you need to join the sixth edition...
Covid-19 has had a huge impact across the world and on all areas of our lives. From early 2020 working from home has become the new normal. This has affected our day to day work life and has changed...
We are thrilled to invite you to the ELIA Together 2022 conference - #eliatogether that will take place in Rome, on 24 & 25 March 2022. The theme of the sixth edition is Transforming challenges into...
14 July 2021, 16:00-17:00 CEST Speaker: Diego Cresceri DescriptionI want to grow my business but this requires a combination of increasing my client base and increasing the amount of work my current...
We are delighted to open pre-registration for Elia’s Focus on Executive 2021 event. This legendary event brings together industry decision-makers in the exceptional setting of Rhodes, Greece, on 18-19...
The votes in the 2021 Elia Election have been counted and we are pleased to announce the Directors who will lead the association for 2021-2023. Congratulations to Diego Cresceri and Geert Vanderhaeghe...
28 July 2021, 16:00-17:00 CEST Speaker: Caloã de Sá Gouvêa DescriptionFor the last 18 months, our industry has gone through changes we did not expect, we have adapted and grown, but did we really...