22 July 2020, 16:00 CET The language services industry is very unique. We work, are in contact, are in cross-border teams with and manage people in or from different countries every day of...
3 June 2020, 16:00 CET Are you looking to understand how vulnerable your company is to the current crisis? Trying to decide whether it makes sense to hire another project manager? Have you considered...
10 June 2020, 16:00 CET What we will cover: Contacting your existing customers and prospects; what to say.What Value did they associate with the use of your product or service before March?The...
13 May 2020, 16:00 CET Would you like to know how your peers are meeting the challenges presented by the COVID crisis? Join this facilitated discussion group for translators to benefit from open...
27 May 2020, 16:00 CET Coaching is a facilitated and reflective process allowing people to find solutions to often complex decisions both personally and within the workplace...
13 May 2020. 16:00 CET Would you like to know how your peers are meeting the challenges presented by the COVID crisis? Join this facilitated discussion group for language service companies to...
29 April 2020, 16:00 CET The world has changed quickly. The ability of a business to keep major customers will have a direct correlation with their ability to survive a recession. In this webinar...
22 April 2020, 16:00 CET Jan Flamed from Valueselling.be gives you a number of ideas to tackle the commercial challenge we are all facing. What to do to keep the sales afloat without...
Federlingue’ 2019 AGM and training sessions for LSP owners Federlingue 2019 AGM will take place on 20th Nov.2019 at the association headquarters in Milan (Italy), 47 C.so Venezia. After the AGM...
At Elia we are committed to the mission of accelerating our members’ business success and providing wider benefits to the language industry as a whole. We do this through a dedicated team and a passionate...